Are you ready to bring your building or structure back to peak condition?
Stephenson Engineering can provide rehabilitation and restoration services for your existing parking garages, bridges, and all types of buildings and structures. We specialize in providing extensive visual investigations and assessments, and can quickly respond to situations that need immediate attention.
How do we extend the life of a building or structure?
Our restoration experts have extensive knowledge of construction materials and their durability. We are able to assess damages and deterioration through investigation, sampling, and non-destructive testing, and then develop appropriate solutions. Our solutions include providing design, specifications, tendering, and contract administration.
What we do
Preliminary and detail design
Restoration of parking garages, site pavement, balconies, bridges and heritage buildings
Rehabilitation and replacement of masonry
Investigation, sampling, destructive, and non-destructive testing
Specifications and pre-design reports
Contract administration and field review services

What we do
Project examples

Pickering GO Parking Garage

1 and 3 Concorde Gate – Parking Garage Repairs

333 Bay Street – Bay Adelaide Centre Parking Garage Repairs

2200 Yonge Street (Canada Square) – Parking Garage Repairs