
Home 5 Project 5 Ai Weiwei’s Art Installation – Forever Bicycle

Ai Weiwei’s Art Installation – Forever Bicycle

Client: City of Toronto
Location: Toronto, Ontario

Nuit Blanche is a free, city-wide celebration of contemporary art work put on by the City of Toronto. In 2013, Forever Bicycle was designed by the famous Chinese Architect Ai Weiwei.

It featured the assembly of 3,144 bicycles stacked on top of each other and was installed at Toronto City Hall’s Nathan Phillips Square. Stephenson Engineering completed an analysis of the structure against potential imposed loads such as wind and temperature.

We also designed an adequate ballast system and additional stabilizing frame structures to support the art work against wind loads. All structural works were designed in coordination with the Architect to ensure that the design conformed to the artist’s intentions.

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